CCA Bulletin 32/10 - Of this and that and other things: A pre-holiday wrap-up (Part 2)
Monday, December 20, 2010
This will most likely be our last bulletin of the year, but before we wish you all the best for the New Year, we must finish our year-end wrap-up of a number of important issues:
- An update on the 2010-11 federal budget
- An update on the Canada/European Union negotiations
- The latest on the long-form census
- Culture Days 2010 revisited
Federal Budget 2010-11: the CBC does not fare as well as initially thought!
The government released the second set of supplementary estimates for the 2010-11 fiscal year (The CCA reported on the first set, supplementary estimates A, in its 2010 Federal Budget Analysis).
One of the findings to emerge from the CCA’s analysis of this most recent set of supplementary estimates pertains to the source of some new funding. Budget 2010 announced that organizations would be expected to undertake ‘cost containment measures’ to reduce the pace of growth of operating expenditures. That means that only some of the new funding to organizations in the supplementary estimates is truly ‘new’. A portion of the funding is sourced by the organizations themselves from cuts taken internally. (more)
Labels: budget 2011, Census, CETA, Culture Days